We help you explore the natural beauty of Tanzania.Our expert guides ensure a safe and unforgettable journey.

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Founded in 2019, Twenzetu Safaris is the brainchild of Amos Mkende, a visionary individu- al with a passion for unlocking the wonders of Africa through travel. Amos's inspiration to create an exceptional tour company was sparked during his time at the University of Dodoma, where fate brought him together with like-minded friends and co-founders, Isaac Kimaro, Ezekiel Mbilinyi, and Abel Kimweri.

The journey began in 2017 when these four individuals, drawn together by a shared love for exploration and adventure, embarked on a collaborative endeavor that would later blos- som into Twenzetu Safaris. Their university days were not only a time of academic growth but also the foundation for a lasting friendship built on a mutual desire to showcase the rich- ness of Africa's landscapes, wildlife, and cultures to the world.

United by a common vision, Amos, Isaac, Ezekiel, and Abel pooled their diverse talents, knowledge, and experiences to establish a tour company that goes beyond the ordinary. Activate Windows Twenzetu Safaris is a testament to their commitment to providing unique, immersive, and activate Wine unforgettable experiences that showcase the beauty and diversity of the African continent.

As we continue to evolve, our dedication to excellence remains unwavering. Twenzetu Sa- faris invites you to join us on a journey of discovery, where every adventure tells a story, and every moment becomes a cherished memory. Welcome to a world of travel crafted with passion, rooted in friendship, and driven by the spirit of exploration.









Discover the World!

Tourism is when people visit different places to see new things, experience different cultures, and enjoy their time away from home. It's about exploring, learning, and creating happy memories in new and exciting locations.